Inspirasi Dari Ganesha

Monday, February 25, 2008 0 comments

Yup all of you must be know about Ganesha, Right, it is a symbol of one of wellknown university in Indonesia that located at Bandung, West Java. Ganesha itself, is a form of God in Hindustan believers, that beliefs to bring success for people.

Ganesha, the symbol of ITB University

Ganesha, The Statue, in Hindustan beliefs

Well, do you know that we can get an inspiration from the Ganesha.

Inspiration From Lord Ganesha ( in local language, Ganeshjee)

Lord Ganesha's big head , inspires us to think big and profitably

The Big ears, propmt us to listen patiently to new ideas and suggestion

The Narrow Eyes, poin to deep concentration needed to finish tasks in hand well and quickly

The Long Nose, tells us to poke around inquistively to learn more,

and The small mouth remind us to speak less and listen more.

Sorry yah nulisnya dalam bahasa inggris, karena kang buyung lagi keranjingan belajar bahasa inggris, dan kata orang dulu "the best way to learn , is by practice it your self", Yah udah deh dicoba aja, meskipun banyak Voceb dan Grammar yang babak belur. Tapi Gakpapa , hajar aja bLeh :)

Kalo ada yang kesulitan membaca bahasa inggris, nih ada kamus inggris-indo gratis di sini
Oh ya kalo ada salah kata, dan penggunannya harap di kritik yah :p

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Warren Buffet ,sang Billionaire yang Ironis dan Kontroversial

Monday, February 18, 2008 0 comments

Warren Buffet the Ironic and Controversial Billionaire !! It's my 2nd post about warren buffet, and day after day reading about this grandpa portofolio im getting more impressed of him, even make him one of my idol beside Liu Yi Fei.

You wanna know more why he is so unique?

Anyone of you knew Warren Buffet's(world 2nd richest man) attitude?
There was a one hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second richest man who has donated $31 billion (85% of his fortune) to charity.
Well if that's not enough to called him 'unique' you should read futhermore.

Here are some very interesting aspects of his life:

1) He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!

2) He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

3) He still lives in the same small 3 bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

4) He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.

5) He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.

6) His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.

7) He has given his CEO's only two rules.
· Rule number 1: Do not lose any of your shareholder's money.
· Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

8) He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch television.

9) Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

10) Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

11) His advice to young people: Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself.
...any point left??

12) He like to download MP3 here or listen on the jazz here :p

source: unknown. taken from

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Warren Buffet Melawan Tuhan ??

Friday, February 15, 2008 10 comments

Helow fren, kalian pasti pada tahu orang yang namanya Warren Buffet kan? (kalo ga tau, kayaknya agak kuper deh lo :P).
Tau gak kalian, kalo baru-baru ini Mr.Buffet ini mengumumkan bahwa ia akan menyumbangkan sebagian besar kekayaanya ke badan yayasan amal, dan di lain sisi meninggalkan anaknya sendiri tanpa bergelimangan harta.

Kalo dalam hati kalian bertanya-tanya berapa kaya sih kakek yang satu ini, mungkin data seperti ini cukup memberikan pencerahan, Warren Buffet ever been The 2nd richest man in the world, just one rank below Mr.Bill Gates(the founder of microsoft), apa yang lebih menarik lagi mereka berdua adalah orang Yahudi, lebih jauh lagi kedua orang ini sama-sama hendak menyumbangkan hampir seluruh kekayaannya ke social foundation.
(image from )

Well when im surf the net, fortunately im find such a critical article about him against the kingdom of God!! well, i think the author is such a conservative a little facist maybe.

Warren Buffet turns againts God !??
like Warren Buffett's recent announcement that he would be donating billions of dollars to charitiesBill Gates' foundation is a slap in the face of God. God gave Buffett his wealth and now Buffett is turning his back on God by taking this gift and giving it away, like an ungrateful relative returning a Christmas present to the store to exchange it for something she wants.

Godless liberal do-gooders often purposely misinterpret the Bible by claiming it is against wealth, though this could not be further from the truth. They like to go through the Bible and pull quotes out of context to justify their socialistic beliefs. Liberals are especially fond of quoting Jesus' words about wealth while ignoring all of the things he said about sins like homosexuality and abortion.

One the passages they always like to quote is Jesus' words "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Liberals will tell you that Jesus is saying there is something wrong with being rich in this passage, which is ridiculous. Let's look at what he really says. First of all, he doesn't say it is impossible for a rich man to go to heaven, only that it will be "hard," which, of course, it is for everyone. But then doesn't the image of a camel going through the eye of a needle sound impossible? these doubting Thomases will ask. Of course not. First of all, Jesus never says how big the needle is or how small the camel is. A normal-size camel could walk very easily through a gigantic needle and a very, very tiny camel could easily walk through a regular-size needle. Do liberals really believe that God is incapable of making really big needles or little camels? The point of this passage is that anything is possible if you believe in God.

If God was against making money why would he have made His Chosen People so good at it? If God hates money so much why did he make so many Christian preachers rich? Doesn't it seem clear that God is rewarding people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts and Joel Osteen by making them extremely wealthy? The $5 million that the former head of the Christian Coalition Ralph Reed got from Jack Abramoff, for example, was God's way of paying him off for a job well done. Conspicuous consumption is just one way of preaching the Gospel.

"There is more than one way to get to heaven, but this is a great way," Buffett said. Apparently, wealthy men like Warren Buffett think they can buy their way into heaven by arrogantly trying to redistribute wealth as if they themselves were God. God made some people poor and some people rich for a reason. He purposely made some people live in third world countries, where it is very difficult to get rich, and other people live in the United States, where everyone has the potential to be rich if they work hard or were born into wealthy families. It is not for us to question God's plan. Communists don't believe in God, so they think they are free to defy God by redistributing wealth to people who don't deserve it, and illegal immigrants try to circumvent God's plan by sneaking across the border instead of staying in their impoverished countries where they belong.

Another important issue that is being ignored in the rush to praise Buffett's "generosity" are the real victims of Buffett's irresponsible actions: his children. Buffett, who also opposes repealing the death tax, is essentially stealing money from his own children to give it away to strangers. What kind of a parent would do something like that? At least Robin Hood didn't rob from his own family. Imagine what would have happened to Paris Hilton and Brandon Davis if they had had a father who shirked his parental duties like Warren Buffett. It should come as no surprise, however, that Buffett is anti-family. Some of his children's hard earned money is also going to his wife's foundation, which supports such anti-family organizations as Planned Parenthood.

Warren Buffett should know that taking money from his children and throwing it away on liberal causes is not going to get him into heaven. The only way he is going to get into heaven is by loving God and the best way he can do that is by enjoying the wealth that God gave him as much as he can.

Kalo temen-temen udah selesain baca artikelnya , jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar anda di comment box yah, saya ingin membaca bagaiman pendapat teman-teman sekalian tentang isu ini.

article by jon swift, such a boldy people it think

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Download MP3 Indonesia Favorit

Thursday, February 14, 2008 0 comments

Anggun - Mimpi

Tipe X - Kau Penipu

Tipe X - Dugem

PHB - Mahasiswa Rantau

Keris Patih - Tapi Bukan Aku

Potret - Diam

Shanti - Tak berawal tak berakhir

Naif - Uang

Marvells - Terlalu Lama Menanti

Ihsan IdoL - Buah Hati

Mulan Kwok - Aku Cinta Kau & Dia

Kangen Band - Selingkuh

Once - Dealova

Riff - Dunia

taken from mp3multiply

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Foto cewek seksi

Thursday, February 7, 2008 4 comments

Temen - temen ada yang tau nama Crytal Liu ga? Mungkin temanya lagi imlek kali yah.. jadi sesi foto cewek seksi kali ini menampilkan Liu Yi Fei aka. Crystal Liu (nama bekennya nih :p)

Tapi untuk dara yang satu, sungguh buat saya terkagum - kagum loh, she's defintely beautiful, and amazingly sweet :) mungkin semut aja milih dia ketimbang gula, hehehe.

Oke mari mengenal Crystal Liu lebih jauh..

Name: Crystal Liu
Full Name: Liu Yi Fei
Date of birth: August 25, 1987
Birth location: Wuhan, China
Height: 170 cm
Blood Type: B
ukuran: ukuran apa nih !?? he2 ini bukan blog lendir bung :)
Language spoken: Mandarin and English
Profession: Actress and singer
Favorite sport: Golf and tennis
Favorite actress: Audrey Hepburn and Vivian Leigh
Favorite singer: Amuro Namie and Faye Wong

(sumber : sexymaker)

She's look quite intelligent right? wah crystal liu...mulai sekarang saya jadi fans dia aja :), mumpung belum terkenal dan belum bantak saingan, hihihi

Wanna See more of her??


langsung visit original site nya deh (mempertimbangkan unsur etika blogging juga :p)
ke sini (much more photo) atau sexymaker

So guys, what do you think of her??
comment will be highly appreciated :)

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May the year of rat bring us lot of prosperity !!
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Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Xin Nian Song (download)

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Download MP3 Gratis Indonesia TOP 10 charts


Mau download lagu - lagu top indonesia terbaru ??
mulai dari maia ratu, mulan jameela, sampai the rock , dan nidji .

Dan yang ini ..

Jamrud - Pelangi Dimatamu

Naff - Ketika Semua Harus Berakhir

Krisdayanti - I,m Sorry Goodbye

Dewi-Dewi - Begini Salah Begitu Benar

Titi Dj - Engkau Laksana Bulan

Evo - Terlalu Lelah

Oka Feat Sabria - So Special

She - Selingkuh Sekali Saja

Terry - Hatiku Beku

Ost D'Bijis - Tuhan Kirim Kamu (Aby)

atau yang ini....

Kunci - Hidup Hanya Sekali

Irwansyah -Ada Cinta

Dewi Lestari - Simply

Ungu - Ikhlas "ost soleha"

Padi - Ternyata Cinta

Padi - Prolog

Nidji - Angel

Ungu - Tiada Yg Seperti Dirimu

Pingkan Mambo - Biar Kau Tahu Rasa

Anggun - Mimpi

Langsung klik di link judul lagunya aja buat download =)

pesan dan kesan teman2 silahkan tinggalin di comment atau guest book yah ;)
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Khusus Buat Slankers Mania : Download MP3 Gratis SLANK HITS

Friday, February 1, 2008 0 comments

Special buat para pencinta lagu Slank, sama kayak saya =p, buyungupik mau bagi2 MP3 gratis cuma buat kamu2 para pembaca setia antiteori.

ini dia tracklistnya langsung klik download aje , oke?? ;)

Download MP3 Slank - Ku Tak Bisa

Download MP3 Slank - Orkes Sakit Hati

Download MP3 Slank - Lorong Hitam

Download MP3 gratis Slank - Cinta

Download MP3 Slank OST get married - Cinta

Download MP3 Slank - Ku Tak Bisa

Download MP3 Slank - Anyer 10 Maret

Download MP3 Slank - Orkes Sakit Hati

Download MP3 Slank - Lorong Hitam

Masih seperti dulu dan tetap sampai sekarang MP3 gratis ini disponsori oleh MP3Multiply yang emang makin OKe aja (he2 kyk lagunya Tiwa Tiwi donk =p)

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