Helow fren, kalian pasti pada tahu orang yang namanya Warren Buffet kan? (kalo ga tau, kayaknya agak kuper deh lo :P).
Tau gak kalian, kalo baru-baru ini Mr.Buffet ini mengumumkan bahwa ia akan menyumbangkan sebagian besar kekayaanya ke badan yayasan amal, dan di lain sisi meninggalkan anaknya sendiri tanpa bergelimangan harta.
Kalo dalam hati kalian bertanya-tanya berapa kaya sih kakek yang satu ini, mungkin data seperti ini cukup memberikan pencerahan, Warren Buffet ever been The 2nd richest man in the world, just one rank below Mr.Bill Gates(the founder of microsoft), apa yang lebih menarik lagi mereka berdua adalah orang Yahudi, lebih jauh lagi kedua orang ini sama-sama hendak menyumbangkan hampir seluruh kekayaannya ke social foundation.
Well when im surf the net, fortunately im find such a critical article about him against the kingdom of God!! well, i think the author is such a conservative a little facist maybe.
Warren Buffet turns againts God !??like Warren Buffett's recent announcement that he would be donating billions of dollars to charitiesBill Gates' foundation is a slap in the face of God. God gave Buffett his wealth and now Buffett is turning his back on God by taking this gift and giving it away, like an ungrateful relative returning a Christmas present to the store to exchange it for something she wants.
Godless liberal do-gooders often purposely misinterpret the Bible by claiming it is against wealth, though this could not be further from the truth. They like to go through the Bible and pull quotes out of context to justify their socialistic beliefs. Liberals are especially fond of quoting Jesus' words about wealth while ignoring all of the things he said about sins like homosexuality and abortion.
One the passages they always like to quote is Jesus' words "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Liberals will tell you that Jesus is saying there is something wrong with being rich in this passage, which is ridiculous. Let's look at what he really says. First of all, he doesn't say it is
impossible for a rich man to go to heaven, only that it will be "hard," which, of course, it is for everyone. But then doesn't the image of a camel going through the eye of a needle sound impossible? these doubting Thomases will ask. Of course not. First of all, Jesus never says how big the needle is or how small the camel is. A normal-size camel could walk very easily through a gigantic needle and a very, very tiny camel could easily walk through a regular-size needle. Do liberals really believe that God is incapable of making really big needles or little camels? The point of this passage is that anything is possible if you believe in God.
If God was against making money why would he have made His Chosen People so good at it? If God hates money so much why did he make so many Christian preachers rich? Doesn't it seem clear that God is rewarding people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts and Joel Osteen by making them extremely wealthy? The $5 million that the former head of the Christian Coalition Ralph Reed got from Jack Abramoff, for example, was God's way of paying him off for a job well done. Conspicuous consumption is just one way of preaching the Gospel.
"There is more than one way to get to heaven, but this is a great way," Buffett said. Apparently, wealthy men like Warren Buffett think they can buy their way into heaven by arrogantly trying to redistribute wealth as if they themselves were God. God made some people poor and some people rich for a reason. He purposely made some people live in third world countries, where it is very difficult to get rich, and other people live in the United States, where everyone has the potential to be rich if they work hard or were born into wealthy families. It is not for us to question God's plan. Communists don't believe in God, so they think they are free to defy God by redistributing wealth to people who don't deserve it, and illegal immigrants try to circumvent God's plan by sneaking across the border instead of staying in their impoverished countries where they belong.
Another important issue that is being ignored in the rush to praise Buffett's "generosity" are the real victims of Buffett's irresponsible actions: his children. Buffett, who also opposes repealing the death tax, is essentially stealing money from his own children to give it away to strangers. What kind of a parent would do something like that? At least Robin Hood didn't rob from his own family. Imagine what would have happened to Paris Hilton and Brandon Davis if they had had a father who shirked his parental duties like Warren Buffett. It should come as no surprise, however, that Buffett is anti-family. Some of his children's hard earned money is also going to his wife's foundation, which supports such anti-family organizations as Planned Parenthood.
Warren Buffett should know that taking money from his children and throwing it away on liberal causes is not going to get him into heaven. The only way he is going to get into heaven is by loving God and the best way he can do that is by enjoying the wealth that God gave him as much as he can.
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jon swift, such a boldy people it think
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