Nausea Effects

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cancer is perhaps one of the most deadliest thing today, many human beings has become their victims, YOU may know that some of the person that you know might be having them inside their body, then YOU might know that having a cancer is just.. painful.. the cancer itself is painful, but even the healing process is also painful, the western medical uses chemotherapy for healing cancer, chemotherapy is the process done after the cancer is taken from the human body through surgery, chemical is injected into the patient periodically to kill the remaining cancer.. but its more than that, the chemical injected into the body will also cause many side effects, from hairfall, nausea, loss of appetite, etc.

Many cancer products have been made for countering this side effect, there are anti nausea, anti hairfall, etc, some of them is another pill or medicine eaten to reduce the side effect of the chemotherapy, but the patient, having felt the effect of taking a "medicine" might be traumatized from eating another pill.. That’s why scientist invented the “Anti Nausea Bracelets”, a bracelet that when worn, can give a pressure to certain point in human body that will negate the nausea effect (called acupuncture in Chinese medicine). Well, this bracelet is not only for cancer patient, healthy people can also wear this nausea products to negate the nausea effect that they are experiencing.

heath care

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